I believe land makes people who they are. The relationship you have with the land youre on sets the cornerstone of your being. It doesnt matter if you live in a small apartment in a dense city or on a hundreds of acres in the middle of nowhere.

When that relationship is severed, identity is lost.

The catalyst for HomeLands is the construction of the East End Bridge over the Ohio River. This road project will change the area I grew up in dramatically. The woods, pastures, and limestone cliffs are being converted to concrete, steel, and asphalt.

I dont think anymore about the farmland and woods being lost  I think about how it feels to see your home, your sense if identity, slowly vanish around you.
© Robb Hill
I believe land makes people who they are. The relationship you have with the land youre on sets the cornerstone of your being. It doesnt matter if you live in a small apartment in a dense city or on a hundreds of acres in the middle of nowhere.

When that relationship is severed, identity is lost.

The catalyst for HomeLands is the construction of the East End Bridge over the Ohio River. This road project will change the area I grew up in dramatically. The woods, pastures, and limestone cliffs are being converted to concrete, steel, and asphalt.

I dont think anymore about the farmland and woods being lost  I think about how it feels to see your home, your sense if identity, slowly vanish around you.
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